I Got My First Tip on Medium!

A thank you note

SG Buckley
2 min readJan 23, 2023


Photo by kevin Xue on Unsplash

Dear Fred,

I don’t know who you are or which post/s you read, but you are my new BFF on Medium.

Here I was blogging away — and seriously wondering why I bother, given I earn less than supports a Starbucks’ habit — when your tip appeared in my PayPal account.

At first, I thought the email sharing the news was Spam or a Phishing scam. But no! It’s real.

And such good timing. After alienating Medium’s male readers with a recent post that joked that men could be trained to help around the house, I figured my career was doomed.

But you sound like a guy, Fred. Or maybe you didn’t read that post. (Don’t read that post).

Ages ago, I remember seeing something about Medium’s new tipping scheme. But I assumed most people would treat it like you do thanking the bus driver or tipping the hotel maid. You know you should do these things, but then you forget.

I don’t even recall activating the tipping feature. But I guess I did.

And look what happened!

By my calculations, that’s $4, which means that if each of my 18,954 followers were to tip $4 each, I’d have nearly $76,000! (Even a buck from each of you would be amazing.)

Fred: if this sounds at all like sarcasm, I promise you it is not.

I am genuinely delighted and touched by your kindness.

Sincere thanks,

SG Buckley



SG Buckley

Writer, editor, parent. Former staffer at Quartz, WSJ and Inc. magazine.