Live Free and Prosper!

Setting free the mice

SG Buckley
2 min readMar 2, 2023


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

This morning I freed a mouse caught in a friendly trap under the kitchen sink.

I fed he/she a couple pellets of dog food — they’re crazy about Harringtons all natural lamb and rice — and put him by a tree in the woods near our home.

“Live free and prosper!” I said, as I opened the trap.

It’s the same spot where I freed five others. My husband thinks there’s only one mouse that keeps coming back.

And why not?

Good food. A quiet night’s sleep away from the hubbub of other mice. He could be right.

I like to think of the six of them happily reunited, nestled together in their warm leafy woodland home.

Then I’m reminded of the stork cafe.

My husband once worked on a highway project. Environmentalist were concerned about the frog population. They were getting squashed on the new road. And so, they had to build a tunnel underneath to help the frogs pass safely.

It actually worked, and frogs used the underpass. But not long after, storks started lining up on the other side.

My husband called it the multi-million dollar stork cafe.



SG Buckley

Writer, editor, parent. Former staffer at Quartz, WSJ and Inc. magazine.