Micro-Stress and the School Run

Bad parenting

SG Buckley
4 min readSep 15, 2021


I read something interesting today: “Stress comes to us all in tiny little assaults throughout our day — what we call “micro-stresses. And it’s coming from sources you might never have considered.”

Oh, I’ve considered them.

Take my morning:

It started off cheery enough. I’m singing in the kitchen as I make coffee, toast and grits (yes, grits). I yell upstairs to my daughter to say I’ve composed a song called “grits and toast” and, really, she doesn’t want to miss it.

She misses it.

By the time she gets downstairs, I’m done singing, the grits and toast are cold, and she has exactly 10 minutes to eat, brush her teeth, find her sports jersey, tie up her hair, make her bed and be out the door.

(Score: 50%. Sports jersey is missing; no tied up hair or bed made).

Yesterday, our car failed its MOT (annual car safety test in the UK), meaning we have no car for two days and must spend hundreds of pounds to fix things I didn’t know were in a car.

My daughter is still getting ready when I look outside to see her ride is waiting, a neighborhood dad and father of a classmate. I open the front door, while yelling upstairs that they’re here.



SG Buckley

Writer, editor, parent. Former staffer at Quartz, WSJ and Inc. magazine.