What Do I Do With My Daughter’s Baby Teeth?

Bad Idea Parenting

SG Buckley


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Here’s something really stupid I did. I kept my daughter’s baby teeth.

I’d leave the coin and grab the tooth. Not having the heart to throw the tooth out, I’d wrap it in tissue and toss it in a drawer. Over time they piled up.

Gross, I know.

At some point, my daughter grew suspicious about the tooth fairy and started leaving letters under her tooth. She had questions.

What was his/her name? Age? Was it a rewarding job? What did tooth fairies do when not collecting teeth?

Answers: Elvira; 1,376 years old; a dream job come true; big tooth fairy community with lots of social engagements such as picnics and craft sessions involving making necklaces with teeth.

Over the years, the stories grew more outlandish until one day she stopped believing.

It could have been the similar handwriting of the tooth fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

The other day, she asked outright: If the tooth fairy didn’t exist, what happened to the teeth?

I admitted I put them in a drawer.

“Mom, that’s disgusting!”




SG Buckley

Writer, editor, parent. Former staffer at Quartz, WSJ and Inc. magazine.